我公司位于风景秀丽的长江边丹阳市的金三角新桥镇,公司为配合国家<863>计划,推行低速新能源汽车,特开发生产各种汽车,电动汽车,休闲车,摩托车灯具,塑件及方向盘,品种齐全,新近我公司又开发生产了电动汽车档位控制器,GO-KART和E-Z-GO,CLUB CAR观光车等方向盘和灯具,产品已被国内外厂商首选配套,公司宗旨,质优价廉,为广大汽车和摩托车配套厂商服务,热忱欢迎各厂商来我公司指导工作.Our company is located nearby scenery beautiful Yangtze River the Danyang golden triangle Xinqiaozhen, the company for the coordinate country< 863> plans, the carrying out low speed new energy automobile, develops especially produces each kind of automobile, the electric automobile, the leisure vehicle, the motorcycle lamps and lanterns, model and the steering wheel, the variety are complete, recently our company developed has produced the electrically operated steam car bumper position controller, GO-KART and E-Z-GO, CLUB steering wheels and the lamps and lanterns and so on CAR sightseeing vehicle, the product already by the domes... [